kist keunggulan.... kist kecemerlangan.... kist kegemilangan.... gud bye uitm haluuu kist.... for my 1st week in kist "kolej islam sains and technology" welll its kinda gud actually... hurm i learn a new thing that i never had learned in my life time before lik kelantan food is very cheap and kinda gud and tasty... MY VISION HERE IS TO GET 3.5 ABOVE FOR MY FIRST SEM... to all my fren that had made it to uitm shah alam... congrates... my prayer is always upon u k... i just wan u all to know that i ok2 je kat cni... hurm i met a tan of fwen hear... all kelantanese is very2 kind and fwenly... hurm i just wan u all to forgive my kesalahan selama kite bekawan... i know i had make a lot of mistake to all of u....p/s my name is BOB now.... huhu
prepared by: jerry